Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

E-Learning Website Development on Kejabi

A case study on Invitation Card & Lenses Maker course landing page development in Kejabi platform for real estate deal analysis course taught by Calvin Chin, quality landing page content development, and social media solution provided by us.
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Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

Invitation Card & Lenses Maker is an e-learning website developed in the Kejabi framework, which provides e-learning courses for real-estate investment. The founder of this website is Calvin Chin, a very well-known realtor in the USA who helps people with interests to build their careers in real estate investment.

Quick Info


Education, E-Learning

Project Type

Individual Project

Service Type

Kejabi Website

Team Size

4 members

Project Duration

1 months

Technology Stack

Kejabi, Adobe Illustrator, Canva

About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

About Client & Project Requirements

About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker
About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

The client was already helping people build their careers as real estate investors through his Facebook and LinkedIn pages, but he wanted to increase his reach globally. So, he decided to create an engaging website in Kejabi. He then contacted our project provider partner through one online project posting site. He described that he wanted to build the Invitation Card & Lenses Maker website and add one important section called the Real Estate Investment course with multiple investment area chapters.

On the course page, the client wanted us to implement some auto-newsletter sending functionality, inquiry forms, FAQs sections, and much more.

Along with the website, he also wanted us to provide some content for the Real Estate Deal Analysis course page, some marketing materials (email content), and social media content with designs to run Facebook ads.

About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

The Kejabi Website Development Approach

After gathering all important information regarding the Kejabi website development, we created website development for that project and approved it from the client's end. Developing a website on Kejabi was quite a difficult task for us as it was our first project on it. Thus, we aligned a skilled website developer for this project who has great problem-solving skills and has delivered many projects to the clients with satisfactory results.

At first, she did some research on the website development approach in Kejabi and then started to work on the project. During the project development, she was constantly in touch with the client and implemented all the functionalities in the Invitation Card & Lenses Maker Course landing pages as the client demanded. Implementing some functions was challenging for her, but thanks to her positive learning attitude, we were able to deliver that website successfully.

After the website development, we aligned a well-experienced content writer for the website content, who provided intuitive, conversion creating, and valuable content for the Invitation Card & Lenses Maker Deal Analysis Course by teaming up with an employee at Invitation Card & Lenses Maker.

After the website content delivery, we team up our graphics designer and content writer to create some Facebook Ads content, which is helping them a lot in the marketing of their services.

About Invitation Card & Lenses Maker

Invitation Card & Lenses Maker Website Features

With a lot of brainstorming, our mobile app developers came up with the following features and
functionalities for the BUGGLE Online Website.

UI/UX Designing

UI/UX Designing

Provided intuitive UI/UX design for the website development and helped the client select a better theme.

Auto-Email Sending Functionality

Auto-Email Sending Functionality

Whenever a website visitor applies for a consultation request or enrolls in a course, or newsletter, the respective email must be sent.

Course Offer Popups

Course Offer Popups

Whenever the user scrolls down the course content, an active offer for the course must pop up on the page.


After a lot of hard work from our website development and creative team, we finally were able to deliver this project within 1 month as promised to the client. This Invitation Card & Lenses Maker course site is helping many real estate enthusiasts to kick-start their careers as a realtor.

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